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Editor Guide

This article describes functions of the editor

Written by Support Hotline
Updated over a week ago

Add A Page

1. In the website editor, go to the "Pages" section.

2. At the bottom of the column, there will be a "Add Page" button you can click.

3. From there, you will be prompted to add the page title, URL, and whether the page should be a subpage.

4. After you've finished your changes, click the "Add" button at the bottom of the module to save your changes.

Add A Section

1. In the website editor, go to the page which you want to add a section too.

2. At the bottom of the column, there will be a "Add Section" button you can click.

3. In that module, you'll be able to add any sections available. Please note that some sections are unique to the individual Modern and Boxy themes.

4. Once you've chosen your section, click the "Add" button at the bottom, and the section will be added to the bottom of the page you're on.

Editing A Section

To edit a section, you can hover over it and a "Edit" button will popup in the top right of the section.

Certain sections will have multiple items you can add, such as a gallery or highlights section. For example in the highlights section, you will see something like this where you can click into each individual service to edit.

Editing Text

1. Once you click the "Edit" button, a popup module will appear on the left, which will contain the various elements of the section such as the Title and Subtitle.

2. For some text areas, you will be able to change it's size, colour, and add other various text elements.

Adding/Uploading Pictures

1. To add or change a photo, find the "Upload Photo" element.

2. If you want to access your previously uploaded photos, click the "My Photos" button which will show you your recently uploaded photos.

3. If you want to look for free online photos, click the "Find Photos" button. A search bar will appear where you can search for free pictures online. Once you've found the picture you want, click on it and it will replace the current picture with the chosen one.

Edit Location

1. To edit your business location, you have to go to the dashboard. This can be accessed by clicking the "Bizwise" logo which will bring you back to the dashboard.

2. Once in the dashboard, you can follow this guide.

Updating Styles

1. To update your website style, go to the "Update Style" section on the left column.

2. In this section, you can update the theme, fonts, colors, and button style.

3. The theme section allows you to switch between our two themes, Modern and Boxy.

4. The fonts section allows you to select a font template.

5. The colors section allows you to select your background and accent colors.

6. Lastly, the button style section allows you to switch between either round or square buttons on the website.

Updating Global Components

1. To update the global components, go to the "Global Components" section on the left column.

2. There are four sections in global components, navigation bar, pop-ups, social icons, and footer.

3. The navigation bar section allows you to add buttons and also change the navigation order of the tabs. To change your business logo or business name, you can click on the respective buttons, which will redirect you to the dashboard. The guides for those can be found here.

4. The popup section allows you to add popups to various pages on your site.

5. The social icons section allows you to link various social media accounts such as Facebook and Instagram.

6. The footer section allows you to add a logo and contact section, and also add any policy or disclaimer.

Updating App Integrations

1. To update the global components, go to the "App Integrations" section on the left column.

2. Once in the app integration section, click the "Third Party Integrations" button. This allows you to access your third party integrations. These are various third party apps you can add to your site. These include chat apps, blogs, analytics, and other various apps you can add. To learn more about these apps and how to add them, you can look at these guides.

Updating Preferences

1. To update the global components, go to the "Preferences" section on the left column.

2. Here you can edit your SEO settings, by clicking the "Edit SEO" button. You can edit the title, description, and also adding any SEO keywords by clicking the button.

3. If your site is live, you can also restore your website to a previous version under the "Site History" section.

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